Saturday, November 19, 2011

Day One

What does it mean to follow Christ? Listen to a tele-evangelist and it sounds pretty easy. In truth, that's not necessarily so. Accepting Christ as your Savior is easy enough but living for Him can be another story.
I was prompted to start this because of some people near and dear to me who seem to think that living on the edge is okay. Throughout this blog I will try to get back to the basics of living a life pleasing to God, what it means, what the Bible says about it and how that translates into todays world and our lives personally. I will try to stay true to the Word of God and use it as my final authority.
I am not tied to one translation of the Holy Bible and do not believe that the KJV is the only text that should be allowed. However, I also feel that some translations stray from the original too much in many of the sacred text. It is with that idea in mind that although I will use several translations in this blog, I may at one time or another refrain from one translation or another. Be sure that this does not mean that we can pick and choose what we think is right but we are to "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2Ti 2:15 (KJV) It is with this mindset that I start this blog and hope to see people living a fuller and free-er life in and for Christ.
I will post a blog around the first of each month and hope to cover topics of  Salvation, Once in Grace Always in Grace, Backsliding, Holiness, Freedom in Christ.
I am no expert or theologian. I am simply a man on a mission to share what I think Following Christ should mean to His followers.


  1. You have no idea how hard it is for me to consistently follow Christ. I may teach a Sunday school class, sing in the choir, etc. etc. but I fall short soooooo many times!

  2. We all fall short. Indeed that is why I am writing this. It helps to sharpen me and hopefully it will help others understand that in spite of our shortcomings God still loves us and Jesus is our Savior. I realize, as we once talked, that all Christians do not mature at the same speed and although we may be the same age or have been Christians the same amount of time we are different in our understanding, commitment and maturity.
